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 n.  〔集合词〕 1.〔蔑称〕暴民,暴徒;观众,民众,乌合之众。 2.〔俚语〕(盗贼等的)一党,一伙。 3.〔美俚〕匪帮,匪党;一群罪犯...  detail>>
a mob informant
犯罪同伙里告密的人 污点证人  detail>>
a mob of at least
为数至少一万名暴徒  detail>>
a mob of blackguards
一群恶棍  detail>>
a mob story
人在江湖  detail>>
a turbulent mob
一群骚乱的暴徒  detail>>
crime mob
罪恶之徒  detail>>
flash mob
快闪党 快闪族  detail>>
married to the mob
乌龙密探摆黑帮  detail>>
mob cap
蘑菇帽  detail>>
mob justice
暴力正义  detail>>
mob law
暴民的法律;私刑。   detail>>
mob psychology
群众心理。   detail>>
mob rebel
反贼  detail>>
mob rule
暴民统治  detail>>
mob scene
【电影】群众场面。   detail>>